Heartland '06 Final Results

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Team Results

Little League

1. Great Joy
2. Actstrordinary
3. Actsplosion
4. His Wittnesses
5. Three Roses
6. Jumping Fishhooks
7. Knights of Truth and a Princess
8. The 5 "Uhs"
9. Theophiloi


1. Heir Force
2. Blood, Fire, and Billows of Smoke
3. Highly Improbable
4. Arguing Persuasively
5. Crystal Sr. High
6. Convincing Proofs
7. Truth Seekers
8. Tongues of Fire
9. Dorcas and the Forks
1. Action Packed
2. Quizinators (from New Prague)
3. Yes Ma'am
4. Crystal Jr. High
5. J3 Communications
6. Ladies of the 1st Century
7. Fo'shizzle
8. Assembly of Confusion

Individual Results

Little League

1. Daniel Weieneth, Great Joy (86.67)
2. Grace Boyum, Actstrordinary (76.67)
3. Ruth Muller, His Witnesses (75.00)
4. Laura Gibson, Three Roses (68.33)
5. Chase Hanson, Actsplosion (68.33)
6. Kohl Hanson, Actstrordinary (65.00)
7. Sarah Weieneth, Great Joy (63.33)
8. Josiah Murray, Knights of Truth and a Princess (58.33)
9. John Talmage, Great Joy (56.67)
10. Ryan Golley, Actstrordinary (55.00)
11. Isaiah Faas, Jumping Fishhooks (50.00)
12. Cheyenne Hanson, Actsplosion (50.00)
13. Felicia Marquez, The 5 "Uhs" (41.67)
14. Libby Gibson, Three Roses (31.67)
15. Nathan Christenson, Jumping Fishhooks (25.00)
16. Rebekah Cranor, His Witnesses (21.67)
17. Jacob Stoner, Theophiloi (20.00)
18. Grace Talmage, Three Roses (13.33)
19. Christina Marquez, The 5 "Uhs" (10.00)
20. Hannah Stoner, The 5 "Uhs" (10.00)
21. Jose Marquez, Knights of Truth and a Princess (5.00)
22. Julia Christenson, Jumping Fishhooks (3.33)
23. Thor Alexander, Actsplosion (3.33)
24. Hannah Nagal, His Witnesses (3.33)
25. Brynn Strange, His Witnesses (3.33)
26. Joshua Novinger, Theophiloi (1.33)
27. Katie Scruggs, Actstrordinary (0.00)
28. Emily Scruggs, Actsplosion (0.00)
29. Rebekah Nagal, His Witnesses (0.00)
30. Matthew Hirdler, Great Joy (0.00)
31. Savaya Hirdler, Great Joy (0.00)
32. Angelica Novinger, The Five "Uhs" (0.00)
33. Rebekah Novinger, The Five "Uhs" (0.00)
34. Laura Snead, Knights of Truth and a Princess (-1.67)
35. Joel Snead, Knights of Truth and a Princess (-3.33)
36. Abigail Christenson, Jumping Fishhooks (-3.33)


1. Hannah Roberts, Blood Fire and Billows of Smoke (73.33)
2. Samuel Roberts, Blood Fire and Billows of Smoke (71.67)
3. Ben Raygor, Highly Improbable (61.67)
4. Alan Talmage, Convincing Proofs (60.00)
4. David Nichols, Heir Force (60.00)
5. Shannon Howington, Arguing Persuasively (58.33)
6. Hannah Kock, Truth Seekers (58.33)
7. Bethany Maupin, Crystal Sr. High (53.33)
8. Brandon Golley, Highly Improbable (53.33)
9. Lena Mays, Tongues of Fire (51.67)
10. Ben Weieneth, Convincing Proofs (51.67)
11. Kristin Roberts, Dorcas and the Forks (50.00)
12. Jessica Nichols, Heir Force (50.00)
13. Edward Talmage, Convincing Proofs (48.33)
14. Jeremy Marquez, Heir Force (48.33)
15. Taryn Golley, Actsion Packed (46.67)
16. Micah Faas, Fo'shizzle (45.00)
17. Laura Weieneth, Convincing Proofs (43.33)
18. Eric Howington, Arguing Persuasively (43.33)
19. Daniel Roberts, Blood Fire and Billows of Smoke (38.33)
20. Nathan Phillips, Quizinators (from New Prague) (35.00)
21. Heather Snead, Ladies of the 1st Century (35.00)
22. Mya Alexander, Truth Seekers (30.00)
23. Jeremiah Saunders, J3 Communications (26.67)
24. Seth Simmons, Crystal Sr. High (25.00)
25. Katie Roberts, Assembly of Confusion (25.00)
26. Sidney Bell, Crystal Jr. High (20.00)
27. Louisa Jobes, Yes Ma'am (20.00)
28. Danelle Murray, Ladies of the 1st Century (16.67)
29. Jordan Lueck, Crystal Jr. High (15.00)
30. Tanner Hanson, Yes Ma'am (13.33)
31. Myles Hanson, Yes Ma'am (13.33)
32. Joshua Phillips, Quizinators (from New Prague) (11.67)
33. Grace Mally, Tongues of Fire (11.67)
34. Joshua Stoner, Assembly of Confusion (10.00)
35. Jenna Saunders, J3 Communications (10.00)
36. Josh Nelson, Crystal Sr. High (8.33)
37. Emily Paey, Crystal Sr. High (8.33)
38. Ellen Mays, Tongues of Fire (8.33)
39. Ethan Serfling, Dorcas and the Folks (6.67)
40. Jenni Chung, Tongues of Fire (5.00)
41. David LaBerge, Crystal Jr. High (3.33)
42. Seth Boyum, Highly Improbable (3.33)
43. Ethan Adler, Yes Ma'am (3.33)
44. Noelle Adler, Actsion Packed (3.33)
45. Ty Adler, Actsion Packed (3.33)
46. Caleb Rain, Assembly of Confusion (3.33)
47. Andrew Nisius, Crystal Jr. High (1.67)
48. Bretta Grabau, Dorcas and the Forks (1.67)
49. John Hirdler, Assembly of Confusion (1.67)
50. Lacey Wabshaw, Crystal Sr. High (0.00)
51. Caleb Hunskor, Highly Improbable (0.00)
52. Colsen Wabshaw, Crystal Jr. High (0.00)
53. Rhoda Christenson, Fo'shizzle (0.00)
54. Susanna Faas, Fo'shizzle (0.00)
55. Travis Jorde, Actsion Packed (0.00)
56. Emily Howington, Arguing Persuasively (0.00)
57. Jennifer Mundt, Truth Seekers (0.00)
58. James Hagen, Truth Seekers (0.00)
59. Hannah Carter, Ladies of the 1st Century (0.00)
60. David Stoner, Heir Force (0.00)
61. Jordan Furutani, J3 Communications (0.00)
62. Jeffery Phillips, Quizinators (from New Prague) (-1.67)
63. Josh Rain, Dorcas and the Folks (-1.67)
64. Andrew Voigt, Yes Ma'am (-1.67)
65. Corinna Distad, Action Packed (-1.67)
66. Annaliese Faas, Fo'shizzle (-3.33)
67. Carl Rickard, Crystal Jr. High (6.67)

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