Heartland '07 Final Results

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Leagues Present
Rochester YFC Bible Quizzing - R
Cedar Rapids Area Bible Quizzing - CR
Nazarene Minnesota District Teen Quizzing - NM
CMA Northwestern District Quizzing - NWD

Team Results

Little League
1. The Phillies (R)
2. Imitators of the Lord (R)
3. Members of One Body (CR)
4. 4 Given (R)
5. Lions of Judah (R)
6. Epistle Missiles (R)
7. Theophiloi (R)

Junior Varsity
1. Bethel Fellowship (NM)
2. 321 (R)
3. Blue Magic Markers (R)
4. Quizinators (NWD)
5. Jerry and the Blue Tornados (R)
6. Prayer Force (R)
7. SonLight Nazarene (NM)
8. Three Square (R)
9. No Longer Slaves (R)
10. Osseo Nazarene (NM)

1. Still Being Persecuted (CR)
2. Yokefellows (NWD)
3. Heir Force (R)
4. HIS Sisters (NWD)
5. Ask or Imagine (CR)
6. Profound Mystery (CR)
7. Shield of Faith (CR)
8. Inconceivable (R)
9. Delta Attack Pigeons (R)
1. Pillars (CR)
2. Lifesavers (R)
3. Fragile (R)
4. Highly Flammable (R)

Individual Results

Little League
1. Grace Boyum, The Phillies (86.00)
2. Kohl Hanson, Imitators of the Lord (84.00)
3. Micah Christofferson, Lions of Judah (68.00)
4. Brett Unverzagt, Lions of Judah (62.00)
5. Ashton Hanson, Imitators of the Lord (58.00)
6. Sebastian Groothius, Members of One Body (54.00)
7. Ryan Golley, Imitators of the Lord (50.00)
8. Gabriel Groothius, Members of One Body (48.00)
9. Faith Boyum, The Phillies (36.00)
10. Hannah Stoner, 4 Given (20.00)
11. Laura Gibson, Members of One Body (20.00)
12. Cheyenne Hanson, The Phillies (20.00)
13. Josiah Murray, Epistle Missles (16.00)
14. Abby Leonard, Members of One Body (12.00)
15. Angelica Novinger, 4 Given (8.00)
16. Benjamin Carlson, Lions of Judah (8.00)
17. Taylor Hanson, Imitators of the Lord (8.00)
18. Joshua Novinger, Theophiloi (6.00)
19. Joshua Meyers, Theophiloi (6.00)
20. Joel Snead, Epistle Missles (4.00)
21. Christina Marquez, 4 Given (4.00)
22. Libby Gibson, Members of One Body (4.00)
23. Jacob Stoner, Theophiloi (2.00)
24. Christian Sweeney, Lions of Judah (0.00)
25. Joseph Carter, Epistle Missles (0.00)
26. David Hirdler, Theophiloi (0.00)
27. Raven Landers, The Phillies (0.00)
28. Rebekah Novinger, 4 Given (0.00)
29. Charity Rudlong, The Phillies (0.00)
30. Isaac Ruona, Lions of Judah (-2.00)
31. Isaiah Murray, Epistle Missles (-10.00)

Junior Varsity
1. Matt Eastwood, Bethel Fellowship (76.00)
2. Joshua Stoner, Three Square (70.00)
3. Katie Roberts, Blue Magic Markers (70.00)
4. Danelle Murray, 321 (68.00)
5. Hilary Eiken, Quizinators (66.00)
6. Jeffery Phillips, Quizinators (66.00)
7. Jenna Saunders, Jerry and the Blue Tornados (56.00)
8. Jeremiah Saunders, Jerry and the Blue Tornados (46.00)
9. Steven Schroeder, SonLight Nazarene (42.00)
10. Abby Rudlong, Prayer Force (40.00)
11. Aaron Eastwood, Bethel Fellowship (40.00)
12. Caleb Rain, Blue Magic Markers (40.00)
13. Heather Snead, 321 (30.00)
14. Isaiah Faas, No Longer Slaves (24.00)
15. Derrick Schultz, SonLight Nazarene (22.00)
16. Grace Anderson, No Longer Slaves (20.00)
17. Erik Danielson, Quizinators (14.00)
18. Chase Hanson, Prayer Force (14.00)
19. Joel Ruby, No Longer Slaves (12.00)
20. Margaret Alexander, Prayer Force (12.00)
21. Thor Alexander, Prayer Force (8.00)
22. Cody Manfull, Quizinators (6.00)
23. Cindy Turner, 321 (6.00)
24. Hailee Becher, Bethel Fellowship (6.00)
25. Andy Hamilton, Osseo Nazarene (4.00)
26. Jacob Rudlong, Three Square (4.00)
27. Matt Comfort, Osseo Nazarene (4.00)
28. Chris Meyer, Osseo Nazarene (4.00)
29. Zachary Novinger, Three Square (2.00)
30. Josh Larson, SonLight Nazarene (0.00)
31. Shane Danielson, Quizinators (0.00)
32. Caleb Mingus, Osseo Nazarene (0.00)
33. Jozee Becher, Osseo Nazarene (0.00)
34. Lisa Earley, Blue Magic Markers (0.00)
35. Brieann Bottenfield, Bethel Fellowship (0.00)
36. Jannelle Yin, SonLight Nazarene (0.00)
37. Caleb Gavin, SonLight Nazarene (0.00)
38. Julia Keen, Bethel Fellowship (0.00)
39. Molly Harmel, Osseo Nazarene (-2.00)
40. Savaya Hirdler, No Longer Slaves (-2.00)
41. Jaclynn Saunders, Jerry and the Blue Tornados (-4.00)
42. John Hirdler, Blue Magic Markers (-4.00)

1. Alan Talmage, Still Being Persecuted (78.33)
2. Stephani Liesmaki, HIS Sisters (65.00)
3. Stephen Hopper, Delta Attack Pigeons (63.33)
4. Daniel Weieneth, Shield of Faith (63.33)
5. Amy Todd, Yokefellows (56.67)
6. Lena Mays, Ask or Imagine (55.00)
7. Hannah Roberts, Profound Mystery (55.00)
8. Ben Raygor, Inconceivable (53.33)
9. Laura Weieneth, Pillars (51.67)
10. Jeremy Marquez, Heir Force (45.00)
11. Jessica Nichols, Heir Force (41.67)
12. Nathan Phillips, Yokefellows (36.67)
13. Taryn Golley, Fragile (36.67)
14. Ben Weieneth, Still Being Persecuted (33.33)
15. Hannah Kock, Lifesavers (33.33)
16. Daniel Roberts, Profound Mystery (33.33)
17. Nicole Liesmaki, HIS Sisters (31.67)
18. Michael Tetzlaff, Yokefellows (30.00)
19. Kristin Roberts, Delta Attack Pigeons (30.00)
20. Judy Mundt, Lifesavers (20.00)
21. Sarah Weieneth, Shield of Faith (18.33)
22. Abbie Liesmaki, HIS Sisters (15.00)
23. Ellen Mays, Ask or Imagine (15.00)
24. Samuel Roberts, Profound Mystery (13.33)
25. Grace Mally, Ask or Imagine (10.00)
26. David Nichols, Heir Force (6.67)
27. Seth Boyum, Highly Flammable (6.67)
28. Brandon Golley, Highly Flammable (6.67)
29. Shannon Howington, Pillars (5.00)
30. Emily Howington, Pillars (3.33)
31. Gabe Leonard, Shield of Faith (3.33)
32. John Talmage, Still Being Persecuted (3.33)
33. Louisa Jobes, Fragile (1.67)
34. Tanner Hanson, Fragile (1.67)
35. Rebecca Rudlong, Highly Flammable (1.67)
36. David Stoner, Heir Force (0.00)
37. Felicia Marquez, Heir Force (0.00)
38. Angela Harstad, Lifesavers (0.00)
39. Jenny Mundy, Lifesavers (0.00)
40. Amy Reinert, Shield of Faith (0.00)
41. Bretta Grabau, Delta Attack Pigeons (0.00)
42. Megan Liesmaki, HIS Sisters (0.00)
43. Jenni Chung, Ask or Imagine (0.00)
44. Noelle Adler, Inconceivable (0.00)
45. Micah Faas, Inconceivable (0.00)
46. Ethan Adler, Inconceivable (0.00)
47. Grace Talmage, Still Being Persecuted (0.00)
48. Myles Hanson, Fragile (0.00)
49. Stacy Platz, Fragile (0.00)
50. Amber Rudlong, Highly Flammable (-1.67)
51. Jerry Enns, Yokefellows (-3.33)
52. Eric Howington, Pillars (-6.67)

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