American Indian Missions Inc. Bible Quiz League
Gallup, Four Corners area, NM AZ UT CO and CA

A Ministry of American Indian Missions, Inc. S.W. Region

American Indian Missions Inc. Bible Quiz League

Roger L. Scarbro



Tournament Dates and Locations For 2009-2010

Nov. 7, 12pm -5pm. - 1 Cor. 1-7.  Held at Native Bible Fellowship, Gallup, NM. 

Dec. 5, 12pm - 5pm. - 1 Cor. 8-12.  Held at Fort Wingate Baptist, Wingate NM.

Feb. 13, 12pm - 5pm. - 1 Cor. 13-16.  Held at Zuni Christian Mission School, Zuni, NM.

Mar. 6, 12pm - 5pm. - 2 Cor. 1-7.  Location to be announced.

Apr. 10, 12pm - 5pm. - 2 Cor. 8-13.  Location to be announced.

May 15, Awards Retreat.

Our league is open to other groups within the SW area that would like to compete.