Snowflake Tournament Results

February 16, 2008, Hershey PA

2008 Final Snowflake Team Standings


Champion Bacon 5
2nd TSR 3
3rd Nappanee BiC
4th The Whole Batch of Dough
5th Fearless Philippines
6th The Old Dominion
7th Fairview Ave BiC
8th Elizabethotwn BiC
9th The Mother of Presidents
10th Paramount BiC
11th Community Chapel Nazarene
12th Carlisle BiC
12th Pittsburgh BQ 1
12th TF1
15th Lakeholm Nazarene
16th Bakin' Bacon
17th Susquehanna Valley BQ
18th Pittsburgh BQ 2
19th Shenango Valley/Highland Presby.


Champion Fairview Ave. BiC
2nd Ryan's Angels
3rd GEPCP Galz
4th The Maniacs
5th Virginia
6th HATS
7th Mad Bouncing Bacon
8th Hershey BiC
9th Jesus Freaks
10th TF2
11th Shenango Valley
11th Lakeholn Nazarene
13th Blue Mountain BQ
13th Harrisburg BiC Flamming Arrows


Champion TF3
2nd Grantham BiC
3rd HATS 1 (Strong Swords)
4th Belburg
5th Elizabethtown BiC
6th HATS 2 (Zealous)
7th Harrisburg BiC Yokefellows


2008 Snowflake Individual Stats


Julie Buckwalter (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 76.67
Nathan Rosentrater (Nappanee BiC) -- 73.33
Elysha Dyer (Fearless Philippians) -- 56.67
Abi Clark (The Old Dominion) -- 56.67
Job Fields (Whole Batch of Dough) -- 56.67
Eric Flewelling (TSR3) -- 53.33
Kara Godwin (Bacon 5) -- 48.33
Luke Hughes (Paramount BiC) -- 46.67
Austin Steelman (Bacon 5) -- 43.33
Julie Burkholder (The Mother of Presidents) -- 38.33
Molly Geiger (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 31.67
Daniel Kasper (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- 21.67
Hannah Clark (The Mother of Presidents) -- 20.00
Nathan Couch (TSR3) -- 20.00
Megan Welch (TF1) -- 20.00
Jake Allen (Fearless Philippians) -- 18.33
Zach Alvarado (Whole Batch of Dough) -- 16.67
Lynne Miller (The Old Dominion) -- 15.00
Austin Godwin (Bacon 5) -- 15.00
Naomi Clark (The Mother of Presidents) -- 13.33
Harrison Whitney (SVBQL) -- 13.33
Chelsea Hatfield (Whole Batch of Dough) -- 13.33
Elizabeth Aliotta (Community Chapel) -- 11.67
Kate Peter (Bakin' Bacon) -- 11.67
Garrett Flowers (Nappanee BiC) -- 11.67
Kaitlyn Stevens (TSR3) -- 11.67
Keith Cole (Shenango Valley) -- 11.67
Abby Long (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 10.00
Mike Mann (Community Chapel) -- 10.00
Maribeth Burkholder (Paramount BiC) -- 8.33
Sean Doyle (Carlisle BiC) -- 8.33
Alex Villanova (PBQ 1) -- 8.33
Elizabeth Woods (Carlisle BiC) -- 6.67
Vanice Colas (Paramount BiC) -- 6.67
Alexa Hoffman (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 6.67
Kym Marshall (Fearless Philippians) -- 6.67
Mary Garland (SVBQL) -- 5.00
Valene Whitty (TSR3) -- 5.00
Jonathan Ingersoll (Fearless Philippians) -- 5.00
Andrew Crowther (Bacon 5) -- 3.33
Suzy Hinton (Whole Batch of Dough) -- 3.33
Jaylene Nissley (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 3.33
Arielle Rossignol (TF1) -- 3.33
Lianna Doyle (Carlisle BiC) -- 1.67
Evie Long (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 1.67
Brian Wengert (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 0.00
Jenna Hunnel (TF1) -- 0.00
Stephen Guertler (Community Chapel) -- 0.00
Suzanna Burkholder (The Old Dominion) -- 0.00
Adam Begin (TF1) -- 0.00
Blake Maust (Bacon 5) -- 0.00
Luke Thies (Bakin' Bacon) -- 0.00
Renee Shaw (Paramount BiC) -- 0.00
Amy Krauss (SVBQL) -- 0.00
Aleisha Bechtold (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 0.00
Kailene Shank (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 0.00
Kayla Walmer (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 0.00
Alex Whiting (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 0.00
Hannah Arden (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- 0.00
David Hebenthal (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- 0.00
Taylor Myatt (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- 0.00
Travis Carter (Whole Batch of Dough) -- 0.00
Carissa Hines (Whole Batch of Dough) -- 0.00
Shelby Love (Carlisle BiC) -- 0.00
Annie Woods (Carlisle BiC) -- 0.00
Michelle Phillippson (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 0.00
Blaine Bacon (TF1) -- 0.00
Amber Sevik (The Old Dominion) -- 0.00
Jenee Whitt (The Old Dominion) -- 0.00
Paul Shaw (PBQ 2) -- 0.00
David DiLouie (SVBQL) -- -1.67
Sipho Ndlovu (Elizabethtown BiC) -- -1.67
Ben Zercher (Nappanee BiC) -- -1.67
Emma ? (Carlisle BiC) -- -1.67
Gabrielle Taylor (The Mother of Presidents) -- -1.67
Dave Lynch (PBQ 1) -- -1.67
Michelle Newsome (PBQ 1) -- -1.67
Sam Sittler (Nappanee BiC) -- -1.67
Jarod Corbin (Bakin' Bacon) -- -3.33
Jess Lowry (Paramount BiC) -- -3.33
Joseph Barovich (Shenango Valley) -- -3.33
Sarah Opatrny (PBQ 2) -- -3.33
Martin Flowers (Nappanee BiC) -- -3.33
Kathryn Holston (Bakin' Bacon) -- -3.33
Ben Altomari (PBQ 2) -- -3.33
Eric Love (Carlisle BiC) -- -5.00
Luke Guertler (Community Chapel) -- -5.00
Nate Freed (Shenango Valley) -- -5.00
Erin Wentling (SVBQL) -- -6.67
Kayla McDermott (PBQ 1) -- -6.67
Chelsea Mignor (The Mother of Presidents) -- -6.67
Justin Beachy (Carlisle BiC) -- -8.33
Seth Fickett (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- -8.33
Tucker Coughenour (PBQ 2) -- -11.67


Name (Team) -- Rate
Amanda Mank* (GEPCP Galz) -- 80.00
Bethany Delige (Ryan's Angels) -- 80.00
Sarah Henry (GEPCP Galz) -- 73.33
Andrew Taylor (Maniacs) -- 65.00
Moriah Delige (Ryan's Angels) -- 51.67
Kevin McGarry (Maniacs) -- 43.33
Emily Mylin (HATS) -- 40.00
Becca Shirk (Hershey BiC) -- 38.33
Amber Freeman (HATS) -- 30.00
Shelby Thies (Mad Bouncing Bacon) -- 30.00
Asher Fickett (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 30.00
Joelle Rossignol (TF2) -- 26.67
Hope Long (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 23.33
Alicia Trotman (Jesus Freaks) -- 21.67
Sarah Beecher (Ryan's Angels) -- 20.00
Martha Barnett (Mad Bouncing Bacon) -- 15.00
Nicole Weslow (Maniacs) -- 15.00
Peter Oglivie (HATS) -- 15.00
Eric Wengert (Fairview Ave. BiC) -- 15.00
Laurel Michalek (SV-Highland- Team w/no Name) -- 11.67
Nick Galloway (Virginia) -- 11.67
Rachel Reamer (SV-Highland- Team w/no Name) -- 10.00
Tara Miller (Mad Bouncing Bacon) -- 10.00
Emil DiMambro (Jesus Freaks) -- 8.33
Sarah Hughes (Blue Mountain BQ) -- 6.67
Joan Kelly (TF2) -- 5.00
Allie Payor (GEPCP Galz) -- 5.00
Holly Goin (Virginia) -- 5.00
Connor Berg (Jesus Freaks) -- 3.33
Rayna Migner (Virginia) -- 3.33
Greg Shirk (Hershey BiC) -- 3.33
Ben Asper (H-burg BiC Flamming Arrows) -- 3.33
Emily Hahn (H-burg BiC Flamming Arrows) -- 3.33
Ben Nielson (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- 1.67
Joshua Martin (HATS) -- 1.67
Holly Ross (Jesus Freaks) -- 0.00
Jackson Fox (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- 0.00
Jonathan McKenzie (Mad Bouncing Bacon) -- 0.00
Kathryn Hebenthal (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- 0.00
Daniel Hokanson (Maniacs) -- 0.00
David McCurdy (Hershey BiC) -- 0.00
Jamie Cole (SV-Highland- Team w/no Name) -- 0.00
Julie Whitt (Virginia) -- 0.00
Chris Galloway (Virginia) -- 0.00
Kyler Curtis (Maniacs) -- -1.67
Emily McCurdy (Hershey BiC) -- -1.67
Victoria Merrill (GEPCP Galz) -- -1.67
Jared Banzhoff (Blue Mountain BQ) -- -1.67
Joseph Kasper (Lakeholm Nazarene) -- -1.67
Joshua Abraham (H-burg BiC Flamming Arrows) -- -3.33
Taylor Bacon (TF2) -- -3.33
Jesse Dalton (H-burg BiC Flamming Arrows) -- -5.00
Morgan Reamer (SV-Highland- Team w/no Name) -- -5.00
Ryan Gephart (H-burg BiC Flamming Arrows) -- -6.67
Drew Hughes (Blue Mountain BQ) -- -6.67

*- had 3 correct free questions which broke tie for 1st place


Name (Team) -- Rate

Alexander Godwin (Belburg) -- 90.00
Steven Morse (TF3) -- 78.33
Alyssa Daniels (HATS Strong Swords (1)) -- 50.00
Tony Freeman (HATS Strong Swords) -- 33.33
Kevin Byrd (TF3) -- 26.67
Brynn Hoffman (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 25.00
Micah Isley (Grantham BiC) -- 20.00
Mark Brubaker (Grantham BiC) -- 18.33
Doug Addleman (Grantham BiC) -- 16.67
Zachary Felix (Grantham BiC) -- 16.67
Joyelle Couch (TF3) -- 16.67
Lauren Williamson (TF3) -- 15.00
John Ogilvie (HATS Zealous (2)) -- 13.33
Somto Ukwani (Belburg) -- 11.67
Tyler Freeman (HATS Zealous) -- 11.67
Erin Taylor (H-burg BiC Yokefellows) -- 10.00
Anna Swoyer (Belburg) -- 6.67
Jesse Emrick (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 5.00
Kyle Martin (HATS Zealous) -- 3.33
Heather Ashleybepn (Belburg) -- 1.67
Malachi Kelchner (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 0.00
Daniel Freeman (HATS Zealous) -- 0.00
Nate Wahl (Elizabethtown BiC) -- 0.00
Matthew Ross (Grantham BiC) -- 0.00
Alex Holland (Grantham BiC) -- 0.00
Sean Inderbitzen (Grantham BiC) -- 0.00
Jordan Martin (HATS Strong Swords) -- 0.00
Cayla Grove (HATS Strong Swords) -- 0.00
Megan Hess (Elizabethtown BiC) -- -1.67
Harley Camacho (H-burg BiC Yokefellows) -- -1.67
Marcus Rodrigues (H-burg BiC Yokefellows) -- -1.67
Tyler Nissley (Elizabethtown BiC) -- -3.33
Chelsea Phillipson (Grantham BiC) -- -3.33
Nicholas Whiting (Elizabethtown BiC) -- -3.33