How to Start a Bible Quizzing Team

Place a Bible Quizzing poster in visible locations in your church - particularly where your youth group

Send a mailing to every teen of your church, 6th grade and up, encouraging them to join the team.

Arrange to present a demonstration to your youth group or Sunday School class.

Place an Bible Quizzing team promo in the church bulletin for several weeks encouraging teens to join the team.

Personally talk to the teens in your church, one to one, asking them to join the team.

Ask the pastor to make announcements from the pulpit regarding the forming of the team (this serves as
an endorsement that your church is supportive of this activity).

Schedule the first team meeting, where you invite all interested teens, semi-interested teens, teens
thinking about it, etc., to come and hear the details (offering food like pizza or subs will also help!).

Ask the pastor to prepare a sermon on the importance of God’s Word in our daily lives, using Bible Quizzing as a prominent example of how that can become a reality for your teens.

Pray that God will prompt your young people to get involved in God’s Word, using Bible Quizzing as motivation for that to happen.

For on going recruitment, bring any potentially interested teens to see a local Bible Quiz and have someone host that person, answering any questions that they might have along the way.

Source: Detroit Bible Quizzing