on 2 Open Age Tournament
September 7-8, 2007 - F 7:30 p.m., S 9:00 a.m.
Material Covered: Galatians 1-6
Registration deadline Aug 31st.
It's a great time to give new adults & teens a small taste of
what quizzing is! Choose a partner and come quiz for a day at:
Pleasant Hill Missionary
886 Pleasant Hill Rd Bronson, MI 49028
Just north of the IN/MI state line.
There are
no age limits and team members do not have to attend the same church.
We only ask that quizzers under age 13 be teamed with an adult or
have a coach who will always be with them.
Registration is $10 per team (Make checks payable to Pleasant Hill)
The registration fee will be waived for the first seven teams who
volunteer to bring a set of quiz benches. We also need quizmasters
and answer judges - This would be a GREAT job for mature Teen quizzers!
There will
be two divisions: Not So Serious and Serious
Not So Serious
is open to
" true rookie quizzers
" adults with little experience as a teen quizzer
" people who have finished (or believe they would finish) in
the bottom 25% of Serious.
The rules
will be similar to the Missionary Church teen quizzing, with a few
We will follow the Missionary Church rules this year. No information
from the answer should be included in the question. The quizmaster
has the option of throwing out the question if the quizzer is new
or not used to our rules.
Time Outs
No time outs are allowed, but you can take as many 10 second score
checks as needed.
You may use a score check to stand up and talk to your team member/coach,
but keep it short.
Each quizzer gets 4 jumps, right or wrong does not matter, just
4 jumps.
A correct answer is worth 20 points.
There are no bonus questions on an error.
Every error is -10, no matter how many or on which question.
A team gets a 20 point bonus for if both quizzers get one question
An individual gets a 20 point bonus for getting 4 right and none
Teams will be made up of two quizzers. You may have three per team,
but only two can be in any given quiz. You will list two names on
the score sheet, the third person can not come in that quiz even
if someone quizzes out and leaves the quiz.
The Quiz
Three teams will quiz at a time, a few quizzes will be only two
teams depending on the circumstances.
Each quiz will be 15 questions. If there are only two teams there
will be 11 questions.
In case of a tie, there will be a 1 question overtime between the
teams that are tied.
Round robin points will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd each quiz,
so a tie for 2nd also results in overtime.
An overtime question can not create a new tie - for example, team
A and B have 80 points and team C has 70 points. Team C is third
place. If team B misses the overtime question and has 70 points
(same as team C) then team A is 1st, team B is 2nd and team C is
The format will depend on the number of teams in each division and
the number of quizmasters and benches we have. I plan to do mostly
round robin quizzing that will seed into a tournament.
Contests are allowed. Please keep them brief. You may also just
give a reference for your answer. The captain may give a reference
for their team mate without having to contest.
For Serious, all verses will be FTVs and there will be no quote
questions, only finish this verse questions. If an open quizzer
obviously knows the verse but can't quite get it word perfect the
quizmaster will not count it as an error but will repeat the question
number with a bonus question. If the quizzer is in the wrong verse
or is missing much of the verse it will still count as an error.
FTV's will not be on specific question numbers, they will be just
another random question.
In Not So Serious both quotes and FTVs will be used in the normal
In Not So Serious the quotes will be a subset of those from Missionary
Church teen quiz list. This will be available on www.quizcoach.com
later in July.
If you don't
understand something or think I missed something please contact
me as soon as possible, don't wait until the day of the tournament.