Letter Read
by Amy Cook at WBQA Finals

June 2005

Dear World Quizzers,

This is how the World Finals came about. Thirteen teams were pledged to be rivals in Greenville, and when they came together they were found to be full of competition. Because DBQ Inside the Cup and DBQ Outside the Dish were righteous teams, and did not want to expose the others to public disgrace, they had in mind to beat them quietly. But after they had considered this, the competitor's coaches appeared to their own teams and said, "Quizzers at World, do not be afraid to take trophies home for first place, because what is stored in your minds is from the book of Matthew. You will have quizzes in the finals and be given the name 'champions' because you saved your league from another defeat by Berrien."

You have heard that is was said to the quizzers long ago, 'Do not contest, and anyone who contests will be subject to judgment.' Again, anyone who says to his teammate, 'Don't jump', is answerable to the coach. But anyone who says, 'But I thought I knew that one', will be in danger of erroring out. Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is contesting you. Do it while he is still on the way to the microphone, or he may hand you over to the quizmaster. I tell you the truth, you will not be correct until you have defended the last point. For I tell you that unless your answer surpasses that of the other teams, you will certainly not enter the finals. Furthermore, a nervous and desperate quizzer wishes for a miraculous answer, but none will be given him before the sound of the buzzer.

"Be careful," the coach said to us, "be on your guard against errors in the next quiz." We discussed this among ourselves and said, "It is because we didn't study this morning." Aware of our discussion, the coach asked, "You of little faith why are you talking among yourselves about having not studied? Do you still not understand? Don't you remember the five times you quoted yesterday? Or the seven times the day before? How is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about studying? But be on your guard against jumping too fast. And when you answer, do not keep on babbling like some, for they think they will be correct because of their many words. Do not be like them. He who has ears, let him hear."

Now when Mike Miller saw the quizzers, he went up to the microphone and sat down. The teams came to him and he began to test them. However, when one jumped who didn't know the answer, Mr. Miller said to him, "Are you not going to answer me?" But the quizzer remained silent. When the coach heard this, she was disturbed and all the team with her, and Mr. Miller realized he was getting nowhere. Suddenly on the one living in the shadow of the microphone a light dawned, and he began quoting at a tremendous speed, eventually winning the quiz. And having been warned by Detroit not to go back to quiz Maine, his team went on to the finals by another route. When they eventually entered the finals they were asked, "Are you really the team who was to come, or should we expect someone else?"

The questions are plentiful, but correct answers are few. Therefore I tell you, produce answers in keeping with Matthew. And do not worry about tomorrow's quizzes, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each quiz has enough trouble of it's own. So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. But understand this, teams do not live on free questions alone, but on every question that comes from the mouth of the quizmasters. So you also must be ready.

Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in their own name, claiming, 'I am correct,' and will deceive many. You will hear of quizzes and rumors of quizzes, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the finals are still to come. Team will rise against team, and quizzer against quizzer. There will be deliberations and time-outs in various rooms. All these are the beginning of eliminations and semi-finals. Such things must come. See, I have told you ahead of time. To be sure, the finals come and will restore all things.

Who then is that faithful and wise quizzer, whom the coach has put in charge of contesting, to debate questions at their proper time? It will be good for that captain whose coach finds him doing so. But I tell you, do not contest too much, or you too will be contested. For in the same way you contest others, you will be contested, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. For I tell you that quizzers will have to give account during contests for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. But if you must contest, be careful that the end of the contest is not so long in coming that we all become drowsy and fall asleep.

You have heard that the quizmasters have said, "Let the quizzers come to us, and do not hinder them, for the trophies belong to such as these." So I tell you, these are the quizmasters whom we love. Listen to them. And remember that quizmaster's errors are good for nothing except to be thrown out. So don't be afraid.

Now for some closing thoughts:
Blessed are those who enunciate, for they will not have to repeat as much.
Blessed are the coaches and parents, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are those who make good contests, for they will be called team captains.
Blessed are those who are harassed and helpless, for theirs are the trophies at World.
Blessed are those suffering severe pain, for they show they are true World quizzers.
Blessed are those who are pure in thought, for they will be called thought perfect.
Blessed are those who can sleep at night, for they will be among the few well-rested.
Blessed are you when Berrien creams you, for you have the sympathy of everyone else. Rejoice and be glad, for in the same way they persecuted the teams who were before you.

I write to you encouraging you to press on at World. I have compassion for you, for you have been with me three days. And if you are willing to accept it, we can do this all over again next year.

Jump, for the finals are near!

Your fellow quizzer,
Amy Cook

P.S. Go back and report to your leagues what you hear and see: the quizzers jump, answers are given, those who can't sleep cram all night, the finals come, stress is abundant, and a good time is had by all. Blessed are those who return next year.

© 2005 Cook Family, http://cnonline.net/~TheCookieJar/