Mission Purpose Statement

All believers are called to model the Christian Faith and teach young people to live as commis-sioned disciples in the world. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Deuteronomy 6:5-7, John 14:15)

The World Bible Quiz Association (WBQA) exists to encourage the study of scripture and the development of faith in Christ through Bible quizzing. WBQA shall accomplish this end by facilitating interdenominational quizzing and supporting and encouraging the development of local quizzing. We will focus on:

* Maintaining the WBQA quiz rules
* Establishing a quiz cycle
* Holding denominational leaders meetings
* Maintaining a set of geographic quiz regions, each headed by a regional director
* Training quiz leaders and officials
* Running regional and national interdenominational tournaments
* Educating people about Bible quizzing
* Implementing operating policies
* Producing high quality quiz materials
* Communicating with the quizzing community through newsletters, the internet and world wide web