John 3 - 5 Regular Questions

J 3: 1

Now there was a man of the Pharisees named what?


J 3: 1

Who was a member of the Jewish ruling council?

A man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus

J 3: 1

Nicodemus was a member of what?

The Jewish ruling council

J 3: 1

Of what council was Nicodemus a member?

The Jewish ruling council

J 3: 2

Who came to Jesus at night?

He (Nicodemus)

J 3: 2

Rabbi, we know you are what?

A teacher who has come from God

J 3: 2

We know you are a teacher who has come from God why?

For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him

J 3: 2

You are a teacher who has come from whom?


J 3: 2

No one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if what?

God were not with him

J 3: 2

What signs could no one perform if God were not with him?

The miraculous signs you are doing

J 3: 2

What if God were not with him?

No one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing

J 3: 3

No one can see the kingdom of God unless what?

He is born again

J 3: 3

What can no one see unless he is born again?

The kingdom of God

J 3: 4

When can a man be born?

When he is old

J 3: 4

Who can be born when he is old?

A man

J 3: 4

Surely he cannot enter a second time into what to be born?

His mother's womb

J 3: 4

Who surely cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born?

He (A man)

J 3: 5

No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of what?

Water and the Spirit

J 3: 5

What can no one enter unless he is born of water and the Spirit?

The kingdom of God

J 3: 6

Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to what?


J 3: 6

Flesh gives birth to what?


J 3: 6

But the Spirit gives birth to what?


J 3: 6

What gives birth to flesh?


J 3: 6

Who gives birth to spirit?

The Spirit

J 3: 7

You should not be surprised at my saying, what?

'You must be born again.'

J 3: 7

At what should you not be surprised?

My saying, 'You must be born again.'

J 3: 7

You must be born how?


J 3: 8

The wind blows where?

Wherever it pleases

J 3: 8

What blows wherever it pleases?

The wind

J 3: 8

You hear its sound, but you cannot tell what?

Where it comes from or where it is going

J 3: 8

So it is with everyone born of whom?

The Spirit

J 3:10

You are Israel's teacher, and do you not understand what?

These things

J 3:10

You are whose teacher?


J 3:11

We speak of what we know, and we testify to what?

What we have seen

J 3:11

We speak of what?

What we know

J 3:11

We testify to what?

What we have seen

J 3:11

But still you people do not accept what?

Our testimony

J 3:11

Who still do not accept our testimony?

You people

J 3:12

Of what have I spoken to you and you do not believe?

Earthly things

J 3:13

No one has ever gone into heaven except who?

The one who came from heaven--the Son of Man

J 3:13

Who has ever gone into heaven?

No one except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man

J 3:13

Where has no one ever gone except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man?

Into heaven

J 3:13

Who came from heaven?

The Son of Man

J 3:14

How must the Son of Man be lifted up?

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert

J 3:14

Moses lifted up the snake where?

In the desert

J 3:14

Who lifted up the snake in the desert?


J 3:14

Who must be lifted up?

The Son of Man

J 3:14

Why must the Son of Man be lifted up?

That everyone who believes in him may have eternal life

J 3:15

Everyone who believes in whom may have eternal life?

Him (The Son of Man)

J 3:15

What may everyone who believes in him have?

Eternal life

J 3:15

Who may have eternal life?

Everyone who believes in him

J 3:16

For God so loved whom?

The world

J 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave whom?

His one and only Son

J 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, why?

That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

J 3:16

God so loved whom that he gave his one and only Son?

The world

J 3:16

He gave his one and only Son, why?

That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

J 3:16

Who so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son?


J 3:16

Who gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life?

He (God)

J 3:16

Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have what?

Eternal life

J 3:16

Who shall not perish but have eternal life?

Whoever believes in him

J 3:17

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world how?

Through him

J 3:17

Why did God not send his Son into the world?

To condemn the world

J 3:17

Why did God send his Son into the world?

To save the world through him

J 3:17

Whom did God not send into the world to condemn the world?

His Son

J 3:17

Whom did God send into the world to save the world through him?

His Son

J 3:17

Who did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world?


J 3:18

Whoever believes in him is not what?


J 3:18

Who is not condemned?

Whoever believes in him

J 3:18

But whoever does not believe stands condemned already why?

Because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son

J 3:18

Whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of whom?

God's one and only Son

J 3:18

Who stands condemned already?

Whoever does not believe

J 3:19

What is the verdict?

This: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil

J 3:19

Light has come into what?

The world

J 3:19

What has come into the world?


J 3:19

But men loved darkness instead of light why?

Because their deeds were evil

J 3:19

Men loved darkness instead of what?


J 3:19

Who loved darkness instead of light?


J 3:19

Whose deeds were evil?

Their (Men)

J 3:19

Their deeds were what?


J 3:20

Everyone who does evil hates what?

The light

J 3:20

Everyone who does evil will not come into what?

The light

J 3:20

Who hates the light?

Everyone who does evil

J 3:20

Who will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed?

Everyone who does evil

J 3:20

Why will everyone who does evil not come into the light?

For fear that his deeds will be exposed

J 3:20

For what fear will everyone who does evil not come into the light?

Fear that his deeds will be exposed

J 3:21

But whoever lives by the truth comes into what?

The light

J 3:21

Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, why?

So that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God

J 3:21

Who comes into the light?

Whoever lives by the truth

J 3:21

It may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through whom?


J 3:21

What may be seen plainly?

That what he has done has been done through God

J 3:22

Who went out into the Judean countryside?

Jesus and his disciples

J 3:22

Who spent some time with them, and baptized?

He (Jesus)

J 3:22

He spent some time with them, and baptized where?

The Judean countryside

J 3:23

Why was John also baptizing at Aenon near Salim?

Because there was plenty of water

J 3:23

Where was John also baptizing?

At Aenon near Salim

J 3:23

Who also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim?


J 3:23

Where were people constantly coming to be baptized?

At Aenon near Salim

J 3:23

Who were constantly coming to be baptized?


J 3:24

What was before John was put in prison?

This (John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim)

J 3:24

This was before John was put in what?


J 3:24

Who was put in prison?


J 3:25

An argument developed between some of John's disciples and whom?

A certain Jew

J 3:25

An argument developed between some of John's disciples and a certain Jew over what matter?

The matter of ceremonial washing

J 3:25

What developed between some of John's disciples and a certain Jew?

An argument over the matter of ceremonial washing

J 3:26

Who was with you on the other side of the Jordan?

That man--the one you testified about

J 3:26

Who is baptizing, and everyone is going to him?

He (That man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan--the one you testified about)

J 3:26

Everyone is going to whom?

Him (That man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan--the one you testified about)

J 3:26

You testified about whom?

That man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan

J 3:27

A man can receive only what is given him from where?


J 3:27

What can a man receive?

Only what is given him from heaven

J 3:27

Who can receive only what is given him from heaven?

A man

J 3:28

What can you yourselves testify?

That I said, 'I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him.'

J 3:28

I am not the Christ but am sent where?

Ahead of him

J 3:28

I am sent ahead of whom?

Him (The Christ)

J 3:29

The bride belongs to whom?

The bridegroom

J 3:29

Who belongs to the bridegroom?

The bride

J 3:29

The friend who attends whom waits and listens for him?

The bridegroom

J 3:29

The friend who attends the bridegroom is full of joy when?

When he hears the bridegroom's voice

J 3:29

Who waits and listens for him?

The friend who attends the bridegroom

J 3:29

Who is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice?

The friend who attends the bridegroom

J 3:29

That joy is mine, and it is now what?


J 3:29

What joy is mine?

That (The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice)

J 3:29

What is now complete?

It (That joy)

J 3:30

He must become greater; I must become what?


J 3:30

What must he become?


J 3:30

What must I become?


J 3:30

Who must become greater?

He (The Christ / The bridegroom)

J 3:30

Who must become less?

I (John)

J 3:31

The one who comes from above is above what?


J 3:31

The one who is from the earth belongs to what?

The earth

J 3:31

Who is above all?

The one who comes from above / The one who comes from heaven

J 3:31

Who belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth?

The one who is from the earth

J 3:31

The one who comes from heaven is above what?


J 3:32

He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts what?

His testimony

J 3:32

Who testifies to what he has seen and heard?

He (The one who comes from heaven)

J 3:32

No one accepts whose testimony?

His (The one who comes from heaven)

J 3:33

The man who has accepted it has certified what?

That God is truthful

J 3:33

Who has certified that God is truthful?

The man who has accepted it

J 3:33

Who is truthful?


J 3:34

For the one whom God has sent speaks what?

The words of God

J 3:34

The one whom God has sent speaks the words of whom?


J 3:34

Who speaks the words of God?

The one whom God has sent

J 3:34

For God gives whom without limit?

The Spirit

J 3:34

God gives the Spirit without what?


J 3:34

Who gives the Spirit without limit?


J 3:35

The Father loves whom?

The Son

J 3:35

Who loves the Son?

The Father

J 3:35

Who has placed everything in his hands?

The Father

J 3:35

In whose hands has the Father placed everything?

His (The Son)

J 3:35

What has the Father placed in his hands?


J 3:36

Whoever believes in the Son has what?

Eternal life

J 3:36

But whoever rejects the Son will not see what?


J 3:36

Who will not see life?

Whoever rejects the Son

J 3:36

Why will whoever rejects the Son not see life?

For God's wrath remains on him

J 3:36

God's wrath remains on whom?

Him (Whoever rejects the Son)

J 3:36

Whose wrath remains on him?


J 4: 1

Jesus was gaining more disciples than who?


J 4: 1

Who was gaining more disciples than John?


J 4: 1

Whom was Jesus gaining?

More disciples than John

J 4: 2

In fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but who?

His disciples

J 4: 2

It was not Jesus who baptized, but who?

His disciples

J 4: 3

When the Lord learned of this, he left what?


J 4: 3

He left Judea when?

When the Lord learned of this

J 4: 3

Who left Judea and went back once more to Galilee?

He (The Lord)

J 4: 3

Who went back once more to Galilee?

He (The Lord)

J 4: 4

Now he had to go through where?


J 4: 4

Who had to go through Samaria?

He (The Lord)

J 4: 5

So he came to a town in Samaria called what?


J 4: 5

Who came to a town in Samaria called Sychar?

He (The Lord)

J 4: 5

A town in Samaria called Sychar (was) near what plot of ground?

The plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph

J 4: 5

Sychar (was) near the plot of ground Jacob had given to whom?

His son Joseph

J 4: 5

What (was) near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph?

A town in Samaria called Sychar

J 4: 5

What had Jacob given to his son Joseph?

The plot of ground

J 4: 6

Whose well was there?


J 4: 6

Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down where?

By the well

J 4: 6

Jesus sat down by what well?

The well (Jacob's well)

J 4: 6

Who was tired from the journey?

He (Jesus)

J 4: 6

Who, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well?


J 4: 6

Who sat down by the well?


J 4: 7

When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, what?

"Will you give me a drink?"

J 4: 7

A Samaritan woman came to draw what?


J 4: 7

Who came to draw water?

A Samaritan woman

J 4: 8

Who had gone into the town to buy food?

His disciples

J 4: 8

Why had his disciples gone into the town?

To buy food

J 4: 8

Where had his disciples gone to buy food?

Into the town

J 4: 8

What had his disciples gone into the town to buy?


J 4: 9

You are a Jew and I am who?

A Samaritan woman

J 4: 9

For Jews do not associate with whom?


J 4: 9

Who do not associate with Samaritans?


J 4:10

What if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink?

You would have asked him and he would have given you living water

J 4:10

You would have asked him and he would have given you living water if what?

If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink

J 4:11

Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is what?


J 4:11

What is deep?

The well

J 4:12

Our father Jacob gave us what?

The well

J 4:12

Who gave us the well and drank from it himself?

Our father Jacob

J 4:12

Who drank from it?

Our father Jacob, as did also his sons

J 4:12

Whose sons and his flocks and herds drank from it?

His (Our father Jacob)

J 4:13

Everyone who drinks this water will be what?

Thirsty again

J 4:13

Everyone who drinks what will be thirsty again?

This water

J 4:13

Who will be thirsty again?

Everyone who drinks this water

J 4:14

But whoever drinks what water will never thirst?

The water I give him

J 4:14

Who will never thirst?

Whoever drinks the water I give him

J 4:14

Indeed, the water I give him will become in him what?

A spring of water welling up to eternal life

J 4:14

The water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to what?

Eternal life

J 4:14

What will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life?

The water I give him

J 4:15

Sir, give me what?

This water

J 4:15

Give me this water why?

So that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water

J 4:16

Go, call whom and come back?

Your husband

J 4:17

You are right when you say what?

You have no husband

J 4:17

When are you right?

When you say you have no husband

J 4:17

Why are you right when you say you no husband?

The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband

J 4:18

The fact is, you have had how many husbands?


J 4:18

You have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not who?

Your husband

J 4:18

Who is not your husband?

The man you now have

J 4:18

What is quite true?

What you have just said

J 4:19

Sir, I can see that you are what?

A prophet

J 4:19

What can I see, sir?

That you are a prophet

J 4:20

Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim what?

That the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem

J 4:20

Our fathers worshiped on what?

This mountain

J 4:20

Who worshiped on this mountain?

Our fathers

J 4:20

You Jews claim that the place where we must worship is where?

In Jerusalem

J 4:20

Who claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem?

You Jews

J 4:21

Believe me, woman, what time is coming?

A time when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem

J 4:21

You will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor where?

In Jerusalem

J 4:21

Whom will you worship neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem?

The Father

J 4:22

You Samaritans worship what?

What you do not know

J 4:22

Who worship what you do not know?

You Samaritans

J 4:22

We worship what?

What we do know

J 4:22

We worship what we do know, why?

For salvation is from the Jews

J 4:22

Salvation is from whom?

The Jews

J 4:22

What is from the Jews?


J 4:23

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father how?

In spirit and truth

J 4:23

The true worshipers will worship whom in spirit and truth?

The Father

J 4:23

How will the true worshipers worship the Father?

In spirit and truth

J 4:23

Who will worship the Father in spirit and truth?

The true worshipers

J 4:23

Who are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks?

They (The true worshipers)

J 4:23

What kind of worshipers are they?

The kind of worshipers the Father seeks

J 4:24

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship how?

In spirit and in truth

J 4:24

How must his worshipers worship?

In spirit and in truth

J 4:24

Who is spirit?


J 4:24

Whose worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth?

His (God)

J 4:24

Who must worship in spirit and in truth?

His worshipers

J 4:25

Messiah (is) called what?


J 4:25

Who (is) called Christ?


J 4:25

What will he explain to us when he comes?


J 4:25

When will he explain everything to us?

When he comes

J 4:25

Who will explain everything to us when he comes?

He (Messiah, called Christ)

J 4:26

I who speak to you am who?

He (Messiah, called Christ)

J 4:27

Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with whom?

A woman

J 4:27

Who returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman?

His disciples

J 4:27

Who were surprised to find him talking with a woman?

His disciples

J 4:27

But no one asked, what?

"What do you want?" or "Why are you talking with her?"

J 4:28

Leaving her water jar, the woman went back to what?

The town

J 4:28

The woman went back to what?

The town

J 4:29

Come, see a man who told me what?

Everything I ever did

J 4:30

They came out of the town and made their way toward whom?

Him (Jesus)

J 4:30

Who came out of the town and made their way toward him?

They (The people)

J 4:30

Who made their way toward him?

They (The people)

J 4:31

Rabbi, eat what?


J 4:32

I have what food to eat?

Food that you know nothing about

J 4:34

What is my food?

To do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work

J 4:34

My food is to do the will of whom?

Him who sent me

J 4:34

My food is to finish what?

His work

J 4:34

What is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work?

My food

J 4:35

Four months more and then (will be) what?

The harvest

J 4:35

Open your eyes and look at what?

The fields

J 4:35

Why open your eyes and look at the fields?

They are ripe for harvest

J 4:35

What are ripe for harvest?

They (The fields)

J 4:36

Even now the reaper draws what?

His wages

J 4:36

Who draws his wages even now?

The reaper

J 4:36

Who harvests the crop for eternal life?

He (The reaper)

J 4:36

Even now he harvests the crop for what?

Eternal life

J 4:36

Even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, why?

So that the sower and the reaper may be glad together

J 4:36

The sower and the reaper may be what?

Glad together

J 4:36

Who may be glad together?

The sower and the reaper

J 4:37

Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is what?


J 4:37

What saying is true?

The saying 'One sows and another reaps'

J 4:37

One sows and who reaps?


J 4:38

I sent you to reap what?

What you have not worked for

J 4:38

Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped what?

The benefits of their labor

J 4:38

Who have done the hard work?


J 4:38

What work have others done?

The hard work

J 4:38

What benefits have you reaped?

The benefits of their labor

J 4:39

Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him why?

Because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did."

J 4:39

Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in whom?

Him (Jesus)

J 4:40

So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him what?

To stay with them

J 4:40

They urged him to stay with them, and he stayed how long?

Two days

J 4:40

Who urged him to stay with them?

They (The Samaritans)

J 4:40

Who stayed two days?

He (Jesus)

J 4:41

And because of his words many more became what?


J 4:41

Many more became believers why?

Because of his words

J 4:41

Who became believers because of his words?

Many more (Samaritans)

J 4:42

We no longer believe just because of what?

What you said

J 4:42

Now we have heard for ourselves, and we know what?

That this man really is the Savior of the world

J 4:42

This man really is the Savior of what?

The world

J 4:42

Who really is the Savior of the world?

This man (Jesus)

J 4:43

After the two days he left for where?


J 4:43

He left for Galilee when?

After the two days

J 4:43

Who left for Galilee after the two days?

He (Jesus)

J 4:44

Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor where?

In his own country

J 4:44

What had Jesus himself pointed out?

That a prophet has no honor in his own country

J 4:44

Who had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country?

Jesus himself

J 4:44

A prophet has no honor where?

In his own country

J 4:44

Who has no honor in his own country?

A prophet

J 4:45

Who arrived in Galilee?

He (Jesus)

J 4:45

The Galileans welcomed him when?

When he arrived in Galilee

J 4:45

Who welcomed him when he arrived in Galilee?

The Galileans

J 4:45

Who had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast?

They (The Galileans)

J 4:45

Why had they seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast?

For they also had been there

J 4:46

Once more he visited Cana where?

In Galilee

J 4:46

Who visited Cana in Galilee once more?

He (Jesus)

J 4:46

Where had he turned the water into wine?

Cana in Galilee

J 4:46

Who had turned the water into wine?

He (Jesus)

J 4:46

What had he turned into wine?

The water

J 4:46

He had turned the water into what?


J 4:46

There was a certain royal official whose son lay sick where?

At Capernaum

J 4:46

Whose son lay sick at Capernaum?

A certain royal official

J 4:47

Who had arrived in Galilee from Judea?


J 4:47

He begged him to come and heal whom?

His son, who was close to death

J 4:47

Who begged him to come and heal his son?

He (A certain royal official)

J 4:47

His son was close to what?


J 4:47

Whose son was close to death?

His (A certain royal official)

J 4:47

Who was close to death?

His son

J 4:48

Unless you people see what, you will never believe?

Miraculous signs and wonders

J 4:48

You will never believe unless what?

Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders

J 4:49

Sir, come down before what?

My child dies

J 4:49

Come down before who dies?

My child

J 4:50

Why may you go?

Your son will live

J 4:50

The man took Jesus at what?

His word

J 4:50

The man took whom at his word and departed?


J 4:50

Who took Jesus at his word and departed?

The man (The royal official)

J 4:51

While he was still on the way, his servants met him with what news?

The news that his boy was living

J 4:51

Who was still on the way?

He (The royal official)

J 4:51

His servants met him when?

While he was still on the way

J 4:51

His servants met him with the news that who was living?

His boy

J 4:51

Who met him with the news that his boy was living?

His servants

J 4:51

Whose boy was living?

His (The royal official)

J 4:52

He inquired as to what time?

The time when his son got better

J 4:52

Who inquired as to the time when his son got better?

He (The royal official)

J 4:52

The fever left him when?

Yesterday at the seventh hour

J 4:52

What left him yesterday at the seventh hour?

The fever

J 4:53

Then the father realized what?

That this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live."

J 4:53

This was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, what?

"Your son will live."

J 4:53

What was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live."?

This (Yesterday at the seventh hour)

J 4:53

He and all his household believed why?

So (The father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live.")

J 4:54

This was the second miraculous sign that who performed?


J 4:54

This was the second miraculous sign that Jesus performed, having come from Judea to where?


J 5: 1

Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for what?

A feast of the Jews

J 5: 2

Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate what?

A pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades

J 5: 2

There is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called what?


J 5: 2

A pool in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate in Aramaic is called what?


J 5: 2

Where is there a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda?

In Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate

J 5: 2

What is surrounded by five covered colonnades?

A pool in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate

J 5: 3

Here a great number of whom used to lie?

Disabled people--the blind, the lame, the paralyzed

J 5: 3

A great number of disabled people used to lie where?

Here (A pool in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate)

J 5: 3

Who used to lie here?

A great number of disabled people--the blind, the lame, the paralyzed

J 5: 5

One who was there had been an invalid for how long?

Thirty-eight years

J 5: 5

Who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years?

One who was there

J 5: 6

Jesus saw him lying there and learned what?

That he had been in this condition for a long time

J 5: 6

Who saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time?


J 5: 6

Who learned that he had been in this condition for a long time?


J 5: 6

In what condition had he been for a long time?

This condition (An invalid)

J 5: 6

Who had been in this condition for a long time?

He (One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years)

J 5: 7

Sir, I have no one to help me into what?

The pool

J 5: 7

I have no one to help me into the pool when?

When the water is stirred

J 5: 7

While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down where?

Ahead of me

J 5: 7

Someone else goes down ahead of me when?

While I am trying to get in

J 5: 8

Pick up what and walk?

Your mat

J 5: 9

Who was cured at once?

The man (Who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years)

J 5: 9

Who picked up his mat and walked?

He (The man who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years)

J 5: 9

He picked up what and walked?

His mat

J 5:10

It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry what?

Your mat

J 5:10

The law forbids you to carry your mat why?

It is the Sabbath

J 5:10

The law forbids you to carry what?

Your mat

J 5:10

What forbids you to carry your mat?

The law

J 5:11

The man who made me well said to me, what?

'Pick up your mat and walk.'

J 5:11

Pick up what and walk?

Your mat

J 5:12

This fellow told you to pick what up and walk?

It (Your mat)

J 5:13

The man who was healed had no idea who it was, why?

For Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there

J 5:13

Who had no idea who it was?

The man who was healed

J 5:13

Where had Jesus slipped away?

Into the crowd that was there

J 5:13

Who had slipped away into the crowd that was there?


J 5:14

Later Jesus found him where?

At the temple

J 5:14

Later Jesus found whom at the temple?

Him (The man who was healed)

J 5:14

Who found him at the temple?


J 5:14

See, you are what again?


J 5:14

Stop sinning why?

Or something worse may happen to you

J 5:15

The man went away and told the Jews what?

That it was Jesus who had made him well

J 5:15

Who told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well?

The man (who was healed)

J 5:15

Who had made him well?


J 5:16

The Jews persecuted him why?

Because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath

J 5:16

Who was doing these things on the Sabbath?


J 5:16

When was Jesus doing these things?

On the Sabbath

J 5:16

Who persecuted him because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath?

The Jews

J 5:17

My Father is always at what?

His work

J 5:17

Who is always at his work to this very day?

My Father

J 5:17

When is my Father at his work?

Always, to this very day

J 5:17

When am I, too, working?

To this very day

J 5:18

For this reason the Jews tried all the harder to kill whom?

Him (Jesus)

J 5:18

Who tried all the harder to kill him?

The Jews

J 5:18

He was even calling God what?

His own Father

J 5:18

Who was even calling God his own Father?

He (Jesus)

J 5:18

Whom was he calling his own Father?


J 5:18

Who was making himself equal with God?

He (Jesus)

J 5:18

With whom was he making himself equal?


J 5:19

How can the Son do nothing?

By himself

J 5:19

Who can do nothing by himself?

The Son

J 5:19

He can do only what he sees whom doing?

His Father

J 5:19

Who can do only what he sees his Father doing?

He (The Son)

J 5:19

Why can he do only what he sees his Father doing?

Because whatever the Father does the Son also does

J 5:19

The Son also does what?

Whatever the Father does

J 5:19

Who also does whatever the Father does?

The Son

J 5:20

For the Father loves the Son and shows him what?

All he does

J 5:20

The Father loves whom?

The Son

J 5:20

Who loves the Son?

The Father

J 5:20

Who shows him all he does?

The Father

J 5:20

Yes, to your amazement he will show him what?

Even greater things than these

J 5:20

What will he show him to your amazement?

Even greater things than these

J 5:20

Who will show him even greater things than these?

He (The Father)

J 5:20

Whom will he show even greater things than these?

Him (The Son)

J 5:21

For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom?

To whom he is pleased to give it

J 5:21

The Father raises the dead and gives them what?


J 5:21

Even so the Son gives life to whom?

To whom he is pleased to give it

J 5:21

Who raises the dead and gives them life?

The Father

J 5:21

Who gives life to whom he is pleased to give it?

The Son

J 5:22

Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to whom?

The Son

J 5:22

Who judges no one?

The Father

J 5:22

Who has entrusted all judgment to the Son?

The Father

J 5:22

To whom has the Father entrusted all judgment?

The Son

J 5:22

What has the Father entrusted to the Son?

All judgment

J 5:22

Why has the Father entrusted all judgment to the Son?

That all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father

J 5:23

All may honor the Son just as they honor whom?

The Father

J 5:23

All may honor whom?

The Son

J 5:23

How may all honor the Son?

Just as they honor the Father

J 5:23

Who may honor the Son just as they honor the Father?


J 5:23

He who does not honor the Son does not honor whom?

The Father, who sent him

J 5:23

Who does not honor the Father, who sent him?

He who does not honor the Son

J 5:24

Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has what?

Eternal life

J 5:24

Who will not be condemned?

Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me

J 5:24

He has crossed over from death to what?


J 5:24

Who has crossed over from death to life?

He (Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me)

J 5:25

The dead will hear the voice of whom?

The Son of God

J 5:25

What will the dead hear?

The voice of the Son of God

J 5:25

Who will hear the voice of the Son of God?

The dead

J 5:25

Those who hear what will live?

The voice of the Son of God

J 5:26

For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have what?

Life in himself

J 5:26

Who has life in himself?

The Father

J 5:26

Who has granted the Son to have life in himself?

He (The Father)

J 5:26

What has he granted the Son?

To have life in himself

J 5:26

Whom has he granted to have life in himself?

The Son

J 5:27

And he has given him authority to judge because he is who?

The Son of Man

J 5:27

Why has he given him authority to judge?

Because he is the Son of Man

J 5:27

What authority has he given him because he is the Son of Man?

Authority to judge

J 5:27

Who has given him authority to judge?

He (The Father)

J 5:28

Do not be amazed at this, why?

For a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out

J 5:28

All who are in their graves will hear what?

His voice

J 5:28

Who will hear his voice and come out?

All who are in their graves

J 5:29

Those who have done good will rise why?

To live

J 5:29

And those who have done evil will rise to be what?


J 5:29

Who will rise to live?

Those who have done good

J 5:29

Who will rise to be condemned?

Those who have done evil

J 5:30

How can I do nothing?

By myself

J 5:30

I judge only how?

As I hear

J 5:30

I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is what?


J 5:30

What is just?

My judgment

J 5:30

Why is my judgment just?

For I seek not to please myself but him who sent me

J 5:30

For I seek not to please myself but whom?

Him who sent me

J 5:30

I seek to please whom?

Him who sent me

J 5:31

What if I testify about myself?

My testimony is not valid

J 5:31

My testimony is not valid if what?

If I testify about myself

J 5:31

What is not valid if I testify about myself?

My testimony

J 5:32

There is another who testifies how?

In my favor

J 5:32

Another testifies how?

In my favor

J 5:32

I know that his testimony about me is what?


J 5:32

Whose testimony about me is valid?

His (Another who testifies in my favor)

J 5:33

You have sent to whom?


J 5:33

You have sent to John and he has testified to what?

The truth

J 5:33

Who has testified to the truth?

He (John)

J 5:34

Not that I accept what testimony?

Human testimony

J 5:34

Not that I accept human testimony; but I mention it why?

That you may be saved

J 5:34

I mention what that you may be saved?

It (Human testimony)

J 5:35

John was a lamp that burned and gave what?


J 5:35

Who was a lamp that burned and gave light?


J 5:35

And you chose for a time to enjoy what?

His light

J 5:35

You chose for a time to enjoy whose light?

His (John)

J 5:36

I have testimony weightier than that of whom?


J 5:36

For the very work that the Father has given me to finish testifies what?

That the Father has sent me

J 5:36

What testifies that the Father has sent me?

The very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing

J 5:36

What very work testifies that the Father has sent me?

The very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing

J 5:36

Who has sent me?

The Father

J 5:37

And the Father who sent me has himself testified how?

Concerning me

J 5:37

Who has himself testified concerning me?

The Father who sent me

J 5:37

You have never heard his voice nor seen what?

His form

J 5:37

Whose voice have you never heard?

His (The Father who sent me)

J 5:37

Whose form have you never seen?

His (The Father who sent me)

J 5:38

Nor does whose word dwell in you?

His (The Father who sent me)

J 5:38

Nor does his word dwell in you, why?

For you do not believe the one he sent

J 5:39

You diligently study what?

The Scriptures

J 5:39

You diligently study the Scriptures why?

Because you think that by them you possess eternal life

J 5:39

You study the Scriptures how?


J 5:39

You think that by them you possess what?

Eternal life

J 5:39

You think that you possess eternal life by what?

Them (The Scriptures)

J 5:39

These are the Scriptures that testify about whom?

Me (Jesus)

J 5:39

These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse what?

To come to me to have life

J 5:40

Yet you refuse to come to me to have what?


J 5:40

You refuse to come to me to have what?


J 5:41

I do not accept praise from whom?


J 5:41

What praise do I not accept?

Praise from men

J 5:41

What do I not accept?

Praise from men

J 5:41

What do I not accept from men?


J 5:42

I know that you do not have the love of God in what?

Your hearts

J 5:42

You do not have the love of whom in your hearts?


J 5:42

Where do you not have the love of God?

In your hearts

J 5:42

What do you not have in your hearts?

The love of God

J 5:43

I have come in whose name, and you do not accept me?

My Father's

J 5:43

In whose name have I come?

My Father's

J 5:43

What if someone else comes in his own name?

You will accept him

J 5:43

Whom will you accept?

Him (If someone else comes in his own name)

J 5:44

You accept praise from whom?

One another

J 5:44

You accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain what?

The praise that comes from the only God

J 5:44

You make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from whom?

The only God

J 5:45

But do not think I will accuse you before whom?

The Father

J 5:45

Why do not think I will accuse you before the Father?

Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set

J 5:45

Who is your accuser?

Moses, on whom your hopes are set

J 5:45

On whom are your hopes set?


J 5:46

What if you believed Moses?

You would believe me

J 5:46

You would believe me if what?

If you believed Moses

J 5:46

Why would you believe me if you believed Moses?

For he wrote about me

J 5:46

Who wrote about me?

He (Moses)