WBQA Finals Past Champions
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2007 WBQA Finals Picture Album
2007 letter read to quizzers


2007 Finals - Quiz 3 (58.5M)
2007 letter read to quizzers (17.0M)

upland song.mp3 (3.8M)

world07 Highlight Video (154M)

Congratulations to the 2007 World Champions, Convincing Proofs from
Cedar Rapids Area Bible Quizzing

(Left to Right) Laura Weieneth, Alan Talmage, Daniel Weieneth, Ben Weieneth,
Kathy Weieneth (coach), Elizabeth Cook (assistant), Edward Talmage

Larimore Award Winner: Adam Steinbrenner

WORLDS FINALS 2007 - Taylor University
Final Individual Standings

1 Ariel Lossing Hur/Ber "The Four Soldiers" 40.00
2 Adam Steinbrenner DBQ "Is Driving You Insane" 36.67
3 Eric Flewelling ME/OH "Cut to the Heart" 33.33
4 Alan Talmage CRAB "Convincing Proofs" 30.83
5 Paige Hooker Lawrence, KS "Kansas City A" 30.00
6 Becky Woods Lawrence, KS "Kansas City A" 25.83
7 Elysha Dyer ME/OH "Cut to the Heart" 20.83
8 Dominick Nicholson Hur/Ber "The Four Soldiers" 17.50
9 Sarah Scrivner DBQ "Is Driving You Insane" 14.17
10 Justin Graff DBQ "Is Driving You Insane" 11.67
11 Christina Dubs Berrien "Footstool at Your Feet" 10.83
12 Jessica Nichols Rochester "Face of an Angel" 9.17
13 Ben Weieneth CRAB "Convincing Proofs" 9.17
14 Shane Nicholson Hur/Ber "The Four Soldiers" 8.33
15 Edward Talmage CRAB "Convincing Proofs" 7.50
16 Ashley Nicholson Hur/Ber "The Four Soldiers" 6.67
17 Matthew Kauzlarich DBQ "Is Driving You Insane" 5.00
18 Laura Weieneth CRAB "Convincing Proofs" 5.00
19 Michele Weidner DBQ "Is Driving You Insane" 4.17
20 Abigail Dubs Berrien "Footstool at Your Feet" 3.33
21 David Nichols Rochester "Face of an Angel" 3.33
22 Dave Lynch PBQ "Pittsburgh 2" 3.33
23 Ben Altomari PBQ "Pittsburgh 1" 2.50
24 Courtney Masrud Lawrence, KS "Kansas City A" 1.67
25 Stephen Dubs Berrien "Footstool at Your Feet" 1.67
26 Micah Faas Rochester "Face of an Angel" 0.00
27 Paul Shaw PBQ "Pittsburgh 1" -0.83
28 Jacob Prahlow Berrien "Footstool at Your Feet" -0.83
29 John McGillis ME/OH "Cut to the Heart" -0.83
30 Daniel Weieneth CRAB "Convincing Proofs" -0.83
31 Amber Skrinjorich PBQ "Pittsburgh 2" -1.67
32 Jeremy Marquez Rochester "Face of an Angel" -5.00
33 Alex Villanova PBQ "Pittsburgh 1" -5.83
34 Sarah Opatrny PBQ "Pittsburgh 2" -7.50
35 Michelle Newsome PBQ "Pittsburgh 2" -9.17