WBQA Bible Quizzing Rules
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here for Bible Quiz Rules Summary
June, 2008
Two Rules were changed as of June, 2008:
1. Quizzers will not be required to give a question after answering a Chapter Only or Chapter and Verse Reference.
2. Tournament directors will have more leeway in setting up divisions.
The two rules that have changed (2.1.5 and 3.3.2) are highlighted in red.
the diversity of quizzing in various denominations and
organizations, and the need for local, regional and international
tournaments on all levels, as well as guidelines which
ensure that all groups may equitably participate, these
rules are drafted as a combination of various groups'
rules. The World Bible Quiz Association (hereafter, WBQA)
has provided these rules to encourage different groups
to quiz together.
Eligibility Requirements
1. Any quizzer who is 19 years of age or younger on November
1 is eligible to participate in any tournament sponsored
by WBQA for the entire quiz season.
2. Any quizzer satisfying the above requirement may quiz
in the Senior High division.
3. The Junior High division is limited to quizzers who
have not yet entered the tenth grade.
4. The Little League division is limited to quizzers who
have not yet entered the seventh grade.
5. Tournaments can be constructed in a variety of ways using the existing structure as a model. Other options include novice and expert divisions, and adjusting divisions on ability rather than age.
Team Composition
1. A team may have up to five team members: four starters
and one substitute.
2. The starting quizzers sit as a team in one of the groups
of four chairs.
3. The four starters are numbered 1-2-3-4 starting from
the quizmaster's left.
4. Seating order, as well as the captain and alternate
captain, will be designated on a lineup submitted to the
scorekeeper prior to the quiz.
5. If a team has less than four members, they may still
compete and may choose which of the four seats to use.
6. Each team may have one coach and one assistant coach.
Captains and Alternate Captains
1. Each team will have a captain and an alternate captain.
2. If the captain leaves the quiz, the alternate captain
serves as the acting captain. A captain who returns to
the quiz reassumes the role of acting captain.
3. When both the acting captain and the alternate captain
have either errored out or quizzed out, their coach will
appoint a new acting captain.
The following positions must be filled before the start
of a quiz: Quizmaster, Material Judge, Technical Judge
and Scorekeeper. One official may fill more than one position.
2.4.1. Quizmaster
1. The quizmaster must know and understand all WBQA rules
2. The quizmaster must be familiar with the portion of
Scripture being studied.
3. Questions must be read at a normal, conversational
rate. Both hesitating and reading too quickly must be
avoided, since they may cause inaccurate quizzing.
4. The quizmaster must read all questions at the same
rate of speed, except Finish type questions which are
read with noticeable pauses between words.
5. The quizmaster must render decisions firmly and consistently.
6. The quizmaster is responsible for calling fouls.
7. The quizmaster must maintain a positive attitude toward
the quizzers and coaches.
8. The quizmaster must keep the quiz moving at a consistent
pace. A quiz should not be rushed, but it is important
to maintain the quickest pace which does not interfere
with accuracy.
9. The quizmaster must remember the importance of edifying
both the quizzers and the audience. He or she should speak
clearly and be enthusiastic about quizzing. To this end,
quizzers should be called by name, the score should be
announced often and bonuses and quiz outs should be promptly
Material Judge
1. The material judge will assist the quizmaster in determining
the accuracy of an answer which has been appealed or when
the quizmaster otherwise requires assistance in making
a decision.
2. The material judge will check the accuracy of the quizmaster's
reading of the question by following along as he or she
reads each question.
2.4.3. Technical Judge
1. The technical judge will check equipment for proper
2. The technical judge will keep time on the five second
limit to jump, the thirty second limit for completion
of the answer and the forty-five second limit for timeouts.
1. The scorekeeper will record the following information:
a) Quiz lineups as they are received from each team.
b) Each team's score.
c) The outcome of each question.
d) The record of substitutions, including any changes
in seating order resulting from substitutions.
e) Each team's number of overruled appeals.
f) Each team's number of remaining timeouts.
g) When timeouts were called and by which team they were
2. The scorekeeper will inform the quizmaster of the following:
a) Team bonus points.
b) Point deductions for errors.
c) Point deductions for fouls.
d) Point deductions for overruled appeals.
e) Quiz outs and error outs.
2.5. Equipment
1. Twelve chairs should be set up facing the audience.
If possible, there should be a separation between the
fourth and fifth chairs and between the eighth and ninth
chairs. These separations should make the distinctions
between teams apparent. The chairs are normally placed
in a straight line, but they may be placed in an arc if
this allows the quizzers to see the quizmaster more easily
or if space is limited.
2. The quizmaster's table should face the chairs and be
far enough away to allow all quizzers to comfortably see
the table without turning in their chairs.
3. Chairs for coaches and substitutes should be placed
on both sides of the quizmaster's table. At no time should
coaches or substitutes be seated at the quizmaster's table.
4. All WBQA quizzes must use some form of electronic equipment
that determines which quizzer is eligible to answer.
5. In the event of an equipment malfunction or improper
use of the quiz equipment, a quiz will be replayed from
the earliest time the malfunction may have begun.
Quiz Structure
It is recommended that all quizzes be three-way, if possible.
Three-Way Quiz Structure
Regular Questions (Three Teams Jumping)
Unless an error was made on the previous question, all
three teams are eligible to jump on each question. If
an error is made, the next question is asked to the two
remaining teams. This question is called a tossup question.
Tossup Questions (Two Teams Jumping)
After an error when three teams are jumping, a tossup
question is asked to the two other teams. If the tossup
question is answered correctly, the next question is a
regular question to all three teams. If the tossup question
is answered incorrectly, an error is recorded and the
next question is a free question to the remaining team.
Free Questions (One Team Jumping)
A free question is asked to one team when two teams error
consecutively. The question following a free question
is always a regular question to all three teams.
Question Numbering
All teams must jump on questions 18,19, 20 and, if necessary,
all questions after 20. Hence, an error on question 17
is followed by a tossup or free question numbered question
1 7A. An error on an 'A' question causes the next question
to be numbered 'B.'
Ending a Quiz
Quizzes must end with a correctly answered question. Quizzes
end on question number 20 if it is answered correctly
and there are no ties to be broken. If necessary, the
quiz will proceed past question 20 until a question is
answered correctly and all ties are broken.
3.1.4. Breaking ties
The following procedure will be used to break any ties
which exist after question 20 (or, if necessary, 20A or
20B) has been completed and a question numbered 20 or
greater has been answered correctly:
1. If one of the three teams is not tied, its place is
declared and this team
remains seated on the chairs, but does not participate
in the
2. Single questions are added until the tie is broken
by a correct answer.
A and B labeling, tossups and free questions proceed as
3. If a three-way tie is broken and a two-way tie remains,
this procedure
should be reapplied.
Two-Way Quiz Structure
1. Two way quizzes begin on question 6.
2. Unless an error was made on the previous question,
a question is to both teams and is called a tossup question.
3. All other rules for three-way quizzes apply to two-way
1. The quizmaster will announce whether the next question
is a Specialty (i.e. a Memory, Reference or Situation
type question), and if so, which type, before beginning
the sequence described below.
2. The quizmaster will begin each question with the following
"Question Number~, Question. _____?" The sequence
may be interrupted and restarted until the word "Question"
is said the second time. Once "Question" has
been said the final time, the question is considered to
be underway. From here on, this will be referred to as
"From the time 'Question' is called" or "After
'Question' is called."
3. The quizmaster will cease reading when the electronic
equipment registers that a quizzer has jumped.
4. The quizmaster will call on the first quizzer to jump,
as determined by the electronic equipment.
5. The quizmaster will not repeat a question, even if
a quizzer jumps before the end of a question.
8. If a quizzer is obviously correct, the quizmaster will
call him or her correct before the thirty second time
limit expires.
7. Once a quizzer has given incorrect information, the
quizmaster will immediately rule the answer incorrect.
8. The quizmaster will never ask the quizzer to give additional
information (either in the question or answer).
9. The quizmaster will never cut off a quizzer while he
or she is speaking.
10. During the thirty second answering period, the quizmaster
will use the following prompts:
a) If a quizzer completes his or her question, but before
he or she gives the answer, the quizmaster will tell the
quizzer, "That is the question."
b) If a quizzer has provided all of the information in
the answer, except the clarification of a pronoun present
which is part of the answer; the quizmaster will say,
"Can you clarify?" or "Can you be more
c) On Memory type questions, once the quizzer has quoted
to the end of the required verse, if the quote is not
yet correct, the quizmaster will say "Give it to
me again." This will occur as often as needed until
the quizzer quotes the verse perfectly, the quizzer supplies
material not found in the verse and is called incorrect,
the quizzer changes the meaning of the verse through misquoting
or the thirty second time limit expires.
d) On a Situation question, if a quizzer finishes the
quotation before answering the questions, the quizmaster
will say, "What is the quote."
11. During the thirty second answering period the quizmaster
may use the following prompts:
a) If a quizzer answers the question correctly, but is
missing information found in the question, the quizmaster
may tell the quizzer, "That is the answer."
b) If a quizzer answers the question correctly and completes
the portion of the question which the quizmaster did not
finish reading, but adds additional material not in the
quizmaster's question, the quizmaster may say to the quizzer,
"Don't say anything else." This enables the
quizmaster to check the accuracy of the additional material
without allowing the quizzer to add further information
which may result in his or her being called incorrect.
12. During the thirty second answering period the quizmaster
will use no prompts other than those described in the
two previous rules.
1 After a question is read, if no quizzer jumps within
five seconds, no one is permitted to answer.
2. A quizzer who jumps before a question is finished must
provide all the material in the question and answer. However,
the quizzer need not give the material in "Question
and Answer" form.
3. Answers need not be word perfect, except on Memory
type questions.
4. When answering or completing a question, a quizzer
may refer to persons of the Godhead by different, but
synonymous, terms from those found in Scripture. However,
specific titles deemed significant by the quizmaster are
5. A quizzer who gives an incorrect question will be ruled
incorrect. A correct question is one which asks for the
same information asked for in the quizmaster's question
and which contains all of the material in the quizmaster's
6. A quizzer who provides any incorrect information will
be called incorrect.
7. if in the quizmaster's discretion, the quizzer answers
from or quotes from a different passage, then the quizzer
will be called incorrect.
8. If the quizzer attempts to provide multiple answers
from the same passage, then they must state the intervening
material thought perfectly and in verse order.
9. Recognizably mispronounced words are acceptable in
an answer.
10. Nothing may be added to an answer after a quizzer
sits down or the thirty second time limit expires.
11. If the first five words of a question are exactly
the same as the first five words of another question from
a different verse which is part of the Scripture being
used as the basis of competition, the alternate question
and answer will be accepted if the quizzer and/or his
or her teammates lead the quizmaster to the alternate
reference or the quizmaster finds it through his or her
knowledge of the material or by using a concordance.
3.4. Timeouts
1. Each team is allowed two timeouts per quiz.
2. Timeouts are 45 seconds in length.
3. Only the coach or acting captain may call a timeout.
4. Only the coach and assistant coach are allowed to confer
with the team during timeouts.
5. A timeout may be called after any question.
6. Only one timeout is permitted between successive questions.
7. No timeouts will be permitted once a Specialty question
has been announced.
8. A technical timeout may be called by the quizmaster
at any time and will not be charged to any team. No substitutions
are permitted during technical timeouts.
1. Substitutions may be made only during timeouts, unless
a quizzer who has errored out or quizzed out is being
2. Only one substitution per team may be made during each
3. A quizzer who has quizzed out or errored out is permanently
out of the quiz and cannot act as a substitute.
Tie Jumps
Some electronic equipment will register tie jumps.
1. When members of the same team tie, the captain will
immediately decide who answers.
2. When members of opposing teams tie, the question will
be replaced with a tossup question on which only the tied
teams may jump. If a tossup question resulting from a
tie jump results in an error; the following question will
be handled as if there had been no tie.
1. Any acting captain may appeal a quizmaster's decision
on an answer.
2. The acting captain may not confer with the quizmaster,
coach or other teammates before appealing or while appealing.
3. An appeal must be made immediately after the quizmaster's
4. All appeals and rebuttals will be heard before a timeout
may be taken.
5. After an appeal is made, the quizmaster will give the
other acting captains the opportunity to agree with the
appeal and/or provide additional information.
6. After all appeals are completed, any remaining acting
captains may rebut the appeal, if they choose to do so.
7. Either the acting captain of the team being appealed
against or the quizzer whose answer was appealed may rebut.
8. The team being appealed against may rebut the appeal
without risk of incurring an overruled appeal.
9. The quizmaster, with the assistance of the material
judge, will rule on the appeal(s).
10. If the appeal is overruled, the appealing team and
any teams whose acting captains spoke in agreement with
the appeal will be charged with an overruled appeal. Similarly,
if the appeal is upheld, a team other than the team appealed
against which rebutted will be charged with an overruled
11. A question itself may not be appealed, although an
acting captain may request that it be thrown out.
3.8. Thrown Out Questlons
1. If a question contains erroneous information or there
has been a serious mispronunciation in the reading of
the question, the quizmaster may throw out the question.
2. A captain may bring an erroneous question or a mispronunciation
to the quizmaster's attention. This does not count as
an appeal.
3. If a question is thrown out, it will be replaced with
a question of the same type.
The quizmaster may call a foul against a team for any
of the following:
1. Communication between quizzers and/or their coach or
coaches after 1"Question" is called and before
the final decision is rendered, or, in the event of an
appeal, before the completion of the appeal.
2. A quizzer jumping after "Question" is called,
but before the quizmaster begins reading the question.
3. A quizzer starting to answer before being recognized
by the quizmaster.
4. A quizzer's hands or feet touching the chair from the
time "Question" is called until a quizzer is
called upon to answer.
5. A quizzer placing his or her jump pad on the front
edge of the chair. This infraction occurs if the quizzer's
pad falls from the chair when he or she jumps.
6. A quizzer activating his or her light by lifting his
or her leg while remaining seated. Little league quizzers
are exempt from this rule.
7. Failure to submit a written lineup prior to the start
of the quiz.
8. Continued discussion once the final decision to an
appeal has been rendered.
9. A coach, team or cheering section engaging in conduct
that is not in line with Christian witness.
10. A quizzer attempting to trick other quizzers into
jumping by pretending to jump.
11. Any other infraction of the rules as determined by
the quizmaster.
1. A coach may place a quiz under protest when he or she
feels a rules violation has taken place and has not been
settled correctly.
2. A protest must be lodged before the next question begins.
3. The quizmaster will recognize the protest and will
attempt to work out the situation with the coaches of
the teams participating in the quiz. If the problem cannot
be resolved, the quiz will continue under protest.
4. Upon completion of the quiz, if the protest has not
been settled, the protest board will rule on the protest.
5. All of the quizmasters will serve on the protest board.
6. The involvement of the officials, captains and coaches
present in the quiz is at the discretion of the protest
7. In the event the protest is honored, the quiz will
be replayed starting with the protested question.
Team Scoring
1. A correct answer when two or three teams are jumping
scores 20 points.
2. A correct answer when only one team is eligible to
jump scores 10 points.
3. An incorrect answer to a free question does not count
as an error.
4. A quizzer who correctly answers four 20 point questions
quizzes out and leaves the quiz. He or she may be replaced
by a substitute without calling a timeout.
After making three errors on 20 point questions, a quizzer
errors out and leaves the quiz. He or she may be replaced
by a substitute without calling a timeout.
6. A 10 point bonus will be awarded to a team for each
of the following:
a) An individual quizzing out without any errors.
b) The 3rd, 4th and 5th team members to correctly answer
a 20 point question in a quiz.
7. 10 points will be deducted for each of the following:
a) A team's fourth error in a quiz and every subsequent
b) An individual's third error in a quiz.
c) An error after question number 15.
d) A team's second foul in a quiz and every second foul
e) A team's second overruled appeal in a quiz and every
additional overruled appeal.
However no more than 10 points will be deducted for a
single error.
8. It is possible for a team to have a negative score.
Individual Scoring
In order to determine the winners of individual awards
at tournaments, the following guidelines are used to compute
a quizzer's rate--his or her average contribution to a
1. 20 points will be awarded for each correct answer with
two or three teams jumping.
2. 10 points are deducted for each error a quizzer commits.
3. 10 points are awarded for each quiz out without error.
4. Free questions, whether answered correctly or incorrectly
do not affect individual scoring.
5. A quizzer's rate is determined by dividing his or her
total points by the total number of quizzes in which his
or her team participated.
1. All questions will be written from the 1984 New International
Version of the Bible.
2. In a 30 question quiz packet, 6 questions will be Memory
questions, 3 will be Situation questions and 2 will be
Reference questions. In years when situation questions
cannot be asked, there will still be 6 Memory and 2 Reference
questions per 30 questions.
3. WBQA questions may only contain words that appear in
the verse or verses the question is drawn from, an interrogative
and, when a form of the verb 'to be' is absent, the correct
form of the verb 'to be.'
4. Questions must be both grammatically and scripturally
correct. The exception to this rule is that questions
beginning with "What if" may be asked, despite
being grammatically incorrect.
5 One of the following interrogatives must appear within
each regular or reference question: how, how long, how
many, what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose or why.
Questions taken directly from Scripture not. containing
one of the interrogatives are permitted.
6 The placement of an interrogative is not restricted
to a particular portion of the question.
7. Pronouns will not be clarified within questions.
8. When an answer contains a pronoun, the clarification
of the pronoun may be required.
9. Direct question and answer pairs from Scripture may
be used.
10. Direct questions from the Scripture which are answered
by rhetorical questions also appearing in Scripture are
Memory Questions
Memory questions promote memorization of the key verses
in a Scripture passage. For the following question types,
except the Quote question, the quizmaster will read up
to the first 5 words slowly, with noticeable pauses between
This Verse: starts at the beginning of a verse and goes
to the end of the verse.
Finish These Two Verses: starts at the beginning of a
verse and goes to the end of the next verse.
Finish These Three Verses: starts at the beginning of
a verse and spans three verses.
This: starts somewhere after the first word of the verse
and goes to the end of the verse.
Finish This and the Next Verse: starts somewhere after
the first word of the verse and goes to the end of the
next verse.
Finish This and the Next two Verses: starts somewhere
after the first word of the verse and goes to the end
of the second following verse.
This Verse and Give the Reference: starts at the beginning
of a verse and goes to the end of that verse. Additionally,
the quizzer is required to state the correct book (when
necessary), chapter (when necessary) and verse.
Question: The quizzer is asked to quote a verse given
only the book, chapter and verse reference. Quote questions
will be read: "Quote _______ Chapter ____verse ___.
The quizzer will be required to complete the reference
if it was not clearly completed by the quizmaster.
be called correct, a quizzer must word perfectly quote
all the requested material once from beginning to end
before time expires. The quizzer may only quote material
found within the memory question.
5.3 Situation Questions
Situation questions promote an understanding of settings,
emotions and chains of events. They encourage quizzers
to memorize and attribute direct quotations, order events,
explain motives and derive cause and effect. Situation
questions are only written when the quiz material is narrative
in nature: either a gospel or the book of Acts. Each Situation
question consists of a quote and one, two or three questions
about that quote. The following are possible questions:
· Who (said it)? In the event that more than one
person has said the quote, for instance when a New Testament
figure quotes an Old Testament figure, the answer will
be the person to have spoken the quotation most recently.
· To Whom (was it said)?
· When (was it said)?
· Where (was it said)?
· How (was it said)?
· Why (was it said)?
· In Reply/Response to what (was it said)?
· About whom (was it said)?
· About what (was it said)?
· (What was the) Reply?
· (What was the) Response?
· (What was the) Result?
to the questions may come from any reasonable number of
verses from the same Scripture passage. The quote must
cover only one verse and must start at the beginning of
a quotation. Although the beginning of a quote that spans
more than one verse may be used, the quizzer needs to
quote only the portion of the quote found in the first
Reference Questions
1. If identical questions can be asked from more than
one verse and there is more than one answer from different
parts of the material, a reference is applied to lead
the quizzer to a specific portion of Scripture. If the
identical questions come from the same chapter, a chapter
and verse reference must be applied. If identical questions
come from different chapters, a Chapter and Verse or Chapter
Only reference may be applied.
2. Questions that are exactly the same for the first five
words or more should also be referenced. It is preferred
that these be asked as Chapter Only references, unless
two or more questions beginning with the same five or
more words occur within the same chapter, in which case
a Chapter and Verse reference must be applied.
3. When answering a reference question, a quizzer will
be called incorrect if he or she provides material outside
the verse the reference is drawn from, with one exception.
A quizzer may provide the antecedent for a pronoun even
if the antecedent is not contained within the verse from
which the reference is drawn.
4. Chapter and Verse References will begin with, "According
to ___________ Chapter ___ Verse ___,"
5. Chapter Only References will begin with, "According
to ___________Chapter,"
to the WBQA Ru!es will be made by the WBQA Board of Directors.
Recommendations for changes should be presented to a member
of the Board of Directors.
here for Bible Quizzing Rules Summary