Rules Summary

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Please see Official WBQA Quiz Rules for further details.

1. Each quiz has 20 Questions, plus A/B questions and tie breakers.

2. A correct answer scores 20 points.

3. An error results in a 20-point toss-up to other two teams.

4. An error on a toss-up gives a 10-point free question to the one remaining team.

5. After four correct 20-pointers, a quizzers leaves the seats with a quiz-out.

6. After three errors, a quizzer is errored out and must leave the quiz.

7. A 10-point bonus will be awarded for
a. A quiz out without error
b. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th different individual to answer a 20-point question

8. 10 points will be deducted for
a. An individual's third error
b. A fourth team error and each subsequent error
c. An error on question 16 or later
d. A team's second foul and every second foul thereafter
e. A second overruled challenge

9. No more than 10 points will be deducted for any one error.

10. All teams must jump on questions 18, 19, and 20. Hence an error on 17 would
be followed by a toss-up or free question on 17a.

11. The quiz will continue until the last question is answered correctly and all ties are broken.